We’ve made a global commitment to families to improve the nutritional value for our Happy Meal® Bundles and to strengthen guidelines of how they should be marketed by 2022. Locally, we’re already well progressed against these targets. In Australia, we have a long history of offering healthy choices in our Happy Meal Bundles, but we continue to strive for improvement.
Our Kids Food Strategy is anchored around Five Key Goals:
1. Offer Balanced Meals
Ensure 50% or more of Happy Meal Bundle Offerings presented on menus* in each market meet the McDonald’s® Global Happy Meal Nutrition Criteria.
*Includes Menu Boards and primary ordering screen of kiosk and mobile applications
Nutrition | McD Global Happy Meal Nutrition Criteria |
Calories | ≤ 2500KJ (600 calories) |
Saturated Fat | ≤ 10% of energy |
Sodium | ≤ 650mg |
Added Sugars | ≤ 10% of energy |
Qualifying Happy Meal Bundles must meet all of the above criteria. Locally, we already comply with this global target but we are committed to continuous improvement.
2. Simplify Ingredients
Remove artificial colours and flavours from Happy Meal Bundle Offerings and reduce artificial preservatives where feasible, without sacrificing the safety, taste, quality or value of our food.
3. Be Transparent with Happy Meal Nutrition Information
Make nutrition information available for Happy Meal Bundle Offerings on McDonald’s owned websites and mobile apps used for ordering - a target we comply with locally.
4. Market Responsibly
Ensure all Happy Meal Bundles advertised to children meet McDonald’s Global Happy Meal Nutrition Criteria (as stated in Goal 1) and continue to meet existing applicable local/regional advertising pledges. These local pledges include the Quick Service Restaurant Industry Initiative for Responsible Advertising and Marketing to Children, for which we are a founding member.
5. Increase Purchase of Foods and Beverages that contain Recommended Food Groups
Leverage innovative marketing to help sell more foods and beverages containing fruit, vegetables, low-fat dairy, whole grains, lean protein and/or water within Happy Meals.